Eric W. Tappert PE

Eric W. Tappert, PE
“Who ya gonna call?” the famous tag line of the 1984 movie “Ghostbusters”… Well Bill Murray wasn’t an engineer, but the comical problems he applied his problem solving skills to are analogous to the real world problems that engineers solve. In fact, I’m fond of telling my students that engineers change the world, hopefully for the better. To change it we need to know how the world really works and how to manipulate it to solve our problems.
That raises an interesting question. If we are to change the world we have to keep abreast of the latest advances in science (how the world works) and technology (how to change it the way we want), so how do we go about that? A few years ago PSPE led the charge to require continuing education for all registered engineers in the Commonwealth and we succeeded in getting the law changed to require it. Since that time we have tried very hard to provide our members, and potential members, with high quality, cost effective continuing education. Traditionally we’ve provided the opportunity for continuing education at our annual conference; last year’s being no exception. The 2015 conference committee is planning on topping that effort and providing top notch seminars at this year’s conference, September 23-26 in Cranberry Township. On top of that, plans are underway for “boot camps” where you can earn all 24 PDhs required for license renewal in just 3 days. Mark your calendars, April 12-14 in Valley Forge and June 7-9 in Pittsburgh. Additional, shorter, conferences are also in the works. Take advantage of these opportunities to enhance your knowledge and skills in this license renewal year.
Another interesting question is how did we persuade the legislature to change the law? Along those same lines, how are we protecting the value of your engineering license? The answer is our continuous presence in the halls of power in Harrisburg. Naturally this requires the concerted efforts of all our members, with the legislative committee and our Executive Director, John Wanner, leading the charge. This year we will be pushing some more changes to the registration law, the most controversial of which is the elimination of the industrial exemption. All of this takes effort, so stay tuned for John’s call to arms; arm yourself with pen and paper and exert real influence on our elected leaders. We also would like to acknowledge our friends in elected office, so take a moment to write a check (personal checks only, no business checks allowed) to PSPE PAC and send it off to headquarters. Together we can maintain and add value to our licenses.
The word is out that a remake of Bill Murray’s epic movie is in the works, this time with an all female cast. In the world of Hollywood they can do that every 30 years or so and get away with it, but in the real world we live in requires a bit more attention on a shorter time interval. Your membership in PSPE is a practical and viable way to protect your license and your knowledge base. Pass the word it on to your colleagues, preferably with a membership application form…
Eric W. Tappert, PE
2014-15 PSPE President