Eric W. Tappert PEEric W. Tappert, PE
PSPE President 2014
To everything there is a time…
The lazy, hazy days of summer passed quickly. The time to relax, take some time off, and forget about all that work stuff…
Then comes fall, and we all go back to the hectic days of work. There is another fall tradition (albeit not too old of a tradition…) – the annual conference. The committee worked hard preparing a grand event for all PSPE members and their colleagues.
48 continuing education seminars over two days with four (count ‘em, four!) separate tracks. For our members who have yet to join the Order of the Engineer, we’ve planned an induction ceremony after lunch on Thursday. Thursday night is the night out, over at the famous Allentown Brew Works. A spouses’ program that can keep your non-engineering partner occupied in an incredibly fascinating fashion is also on tap. Of course we will cater to golfers on Wednesday. And the networking opportunities are extraordinary.
The highlight will be Friday night when we honor our award recipients, install the officers (all dressed up, even…), enjoy dinner, then hear from the very top of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission what engineers learned from that terrible accident in Japan a couple of years ago.
The conference is certainly a great way to start back from a summer’s rest. Put the date on your calendar (September 17-20) and head off to to see all the details and register for the big event. Don’t forget to pass on an invitation to your colleagues; after all they shouldn’t be left out of the excitement. While you’re at it, remind the boss to take out an ad in the program.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in Breiningsville at the conference.
Eric Tappert, PE
Communications Committee Chair