
Susan K. Sprague, P.E., CCS
PSPE President 2013-2014

Fellow Engineers,

NSPE’s founder David Steinman, P.E., was a world famous bridge engineer and his vision for NSPE was for an inclusive, non-technical organization dedicated to the interests of licensed professional engineers regardless of practice area, to protect engineers and the public from unqualified practitioners, to build public recognition for the profession, and to stand against unethical practices and inadequate compensation.   

After meeting the new NSPE leaders at the Annual Conference in Minneapolis in July 2013, and hearing the vision of our new executive director, Mark Golden, I am very optimistic about the future of NSPE and PSPE. Mark’s address “Back to the Future” noted our many accomplishments and our unique history. Mark’s address is saved on Youtube   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm3Dm4XQ2nU&feature=youtu.be and I ask all members view it to understand the expectations of NSPE. For NSPE and PSPE to flourish, PSPE has to be a partner with NSPE and NSPE has to be PSPE’s partner. 

We as a state organization have goals that include increasing the value of membership, enhancing our image to the public, growing our membership, protecting the professional license and monitoring state legislative activity for any legislation that infringes or devalues the PE license. These goals and objectives are public knowledge and shared on our website. 

I want to mention a few of my specific goals for 2014:

  • Encourage legislators to pass HB 1447 to eliminate the industrial exemptions in PA. All of you can assist with this by talking to your state reps and senators and letting them know why this is important and protects the public.
  • Improve communications –We all get lots of email and I know email is easy to ignore. We have some ideas about how to prevent that and make you want to read the PSPE communications to follow the important and relevant activity of the state committees. 
  • Engage the current members and recruit new members to sustain the organization. Volunteer opportunities exist at the chapter and state level thru advising student chapters, MATHCOUNTS programs, education committee, membership committee and conference planning committee. Contact me if you are interested in volunteering on a committee or advising a student chapter.

NSPE can help you become a better professional and advance the engineering profession – powerful statements that only NSPE can make. When we can make membership rewarding and valuable, then I think we will see how the members “all of a sudden” find the time to invest and give back to the profession and the society. As President Theodore Roosevelt once said “Every man owes part of his time and money to the business or industry in which he is engaged. No man has a moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve conditions within his sphere.”  

Have a great Christmas holiday season and a Happy New Year.